Approval Update Overview

per California Department of Social Services written directives for Resource Family Approval

Post approval updates will be required at minimum every 24 months or when a significant change occurs. Post approval updates are completed by a RFA social worker. If you are unsure if you are in need of an update, please contact your assigned RFA social worker.

  • moving to a new home
  • change of address
  • adding/removing residing adults in the home

Additional circumstances regarding post approval updates can be found on CDSS website. Please contact Yolo RFA for home specific questions and requirements.

CDSS Written Directives for Resource Family Approval

Update of Resource Family Approval

(a) At least once every 12 months a County shall update the approval of a Resource Family, no sooner than 60 calendar days prior to the 12-month anniversary date and shall be completed no later than 30 calendar days after the 12-month anniversary date. The 12-month anniversary date shall be either of the following:
(1) An update has not occurred within 12 months from the approval date.
(2) If an update has occurred; 12 months from the date the update was completed.
(b) A County shall complete an update for a Resource Family, as specified in Subsection (d), when any of the following occur:
(1) A significant change has occurred in the Resource Family’s circumstances, as determined by a County.
(A) An update due to a significant change shall begin within 30 calendar days of a County’s knowledge of the change.
(2) Relocation to a new home.
(A) A County shall begin an update to the Resource Family’s approval within within 30 calendar days of being notified that the Resource Family has moved.
(3) A Resource Family who is approved for a specific child or nonminor dependent requests to care for an additional children or nonminor dependents.
(4) A Resource Family who is approved for a specific child or nonminor dependent accepts a placement on an emergency basis pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code section 309 or 361.45, or for a compelling reason pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code section 16519.5(e).
(A) A County shall begin an update specified in paragraph (4) within five business days.
(5) A Resource Family request to end inactive status pursuant to Section 10-02(c).
A County shall complete an update for a Resource Family, as specified in Section 9-03, in order to add or remove a Resource Parent.
(d) During an update of a Resource Family’s approval, a County shall:
(1) Ask the Resource Family to verify that all personal information in the Written Report, and any updates to the Written Report are current and, if applicable, update.
(2) Conduct a health and safety assessment of the home and grounds, outdoor activity space, and storage areas of the home using form RFA 03: Resource Family Home Health and Safety Assessment Checklist to ensure compliance with Section 6-02(a)(2).
(3) Confirm that a subsequent arrest notification (rap back) service is in place for all adults residing or regularly present in the home.
(A) If there are new adults residing or regularly present in the home, complete a background check, as specified in Section 06-03A, shall be completed for each new adult.
(4) Address any significant changes to the family evaluation, which may include, but not be limited to the following:
(A) A change in the number of people residing in the home, including the following:
(i) Any additional individuals residing or regularly present in the Resource Family’s home, including if the Resource Family becomes a guardian or conservator for any child or other person in the home.
(ii) Any adult who plans to reside or be regularly present in the home or move out of the home.
(B) A change in marital or domestic partnership status or a change in a relationship with a significant other.
(C) A change in the physical or mental health of a Resource Parent, a child or nonminor dependent, or any other residents in the home.

(D) If the Resource Family has become licensed to operate a family day care home as defined in Health and Safety Code section 1596.78.

(E) A change in employment or financial situation.

(F) A change in any information evaluated in the risk assessment as specified in Section 6-05(b)(4).

(5) Interview all individuals residing in the home.
(A) If an individual is unavailable or refuses to be interviewed, document the reasons, and determine if the interview is necessary to assess the Resource Family’s continued ability to be approved as a Resource Family.

(6) Review the Resource Family’s current capacity and if necessary, revise the capacity in accordance with Section 10-04.

(7) Review current DAP(s) and evaluate the need for continued approval.

(8) Review the Resource Family’s current annual and other training to identity any training that is overdue.
(A) If training is overdue, a County may develop a corrective action plan.
(i) An update may not be finalized until the Resource Family completes the annual and other required training.
(B) Approved Resource parents are required to complete 8 hours of continued education every two years after approval. Approved Resource Parents are required to maintain up to date CPR/First Aid Certification. Please contact your RFA social worker if you are unsure of how many hours you need. Online CPR classes are available for new & existing Resource Parents. Simple CPR requires a cost that is not eligible for reimbursement. There are free CPR classes provided by Yolo County RFA several times a year. Dates for the CPR classes held by the county will be updated as they are scheduled.
(i) Simple CPR, AED & First Aid Classes Online for Adult, Child & Infant

(9) Assess whether a Resource Family shall complete additional activities to maintain their approval.
(10) For a move to a new home location, a County shall ensure a Resource Family submits documents verifying that the Resource Family owns or rents the home in which the Resource Family resides, or written permission to reside at the residence by the owner of the home.

(e) A County shall document any deficiencies identified and develop a corrective action plan with the Resource Family as specified in Section 9-07.
(1) If the identified deficiencies are unable to be corrected, a County may choose to rescind the Resource Family’s approval.
(2) In accordance with Section 10-01A(e), a County shall attempt to resolve areas of concern, if possible, prior to rescinding an approval, or take other action as appropriate.
(f) A County shall complete form RFA 06: Resource Family Approval Update Report or an equivalent form and shall provide a copy of the completed form to the Resource Family and obtain a signature from the Resource Family acknowledging receipt of the completed form.
(g) A County shall complete form RFA 05A: Resource Family Approval Certificate or an equivalent certificate as specified in Section 6-08.
(1) A new anniversary date to complete the next update within 12 months shall begin on the date the update is completed,
(h) For purposes of this section, a Resource Family maintains their approval unless approval is rescinded by a County or the Resource Family chooses to surrender the approval.
(i) When a Resource Family fails to cooperate in an update process, specified in Subsection (a), a County shall provide the Resource Family with written notice that includes the following:
(1) A description of all outstanding items necessary to complete the update.
(2) A time period the Resource Family has to complete the outstanding items.
(3) That pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code section 16519.501(e), the approval shall be forfeited by operation of law if the Resource Family fails to cooperate with the annual update within 30 days of the date of the written notice from the Resource Family.
(4) The County shall document proof of service of the written notice in the Resource Family file.

(d) If a Resource Parent no longer wishes to be approved, the Resource Parent may surrender his or her approval.
(1) The surrender shall be submitted verbally or in writing to the County.
(A) The County shall document the surrender of approval by a Resource Parent in the Resource Family’s file.
(B) If the surrender was submitted verbally, the County shall provide a written confirmation to the Resource Family.
(2) The County shall complete an approval update for the remaining Resource Parent to include the items specified in Section 9-02(d).
(3) If any deficiencies are identified, a County shall document the deficiencies and develop a corrective action plan for the Resource Family to correct the identified deficiencies or take other actions as necessary.
(A) If the Resource Family operates a licensed family day care home, and it is determined that any deficiency may pose a risk to the health and safety of children, a County shall notify the Department.
(4) The County shall complete form RFA-06: Resource Family Approval Update Report or an equivalent form and shall provide a copy of the form to the Resource Family upon completion.
(5) The County shall complete form RFA 05A: Resource Family Approval Certificate or an equivalent certificate as specified in Section 6-08.
(A) An update pursuant to this Section does not change a Resource Family’s date of approval.
(e) A Resource Family maintains their approval status unless approval is rescinded by a County or the Resource Family chooses to surrender the approval.